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\n\t\t\t ORDER BY wp_posts.menu_order ASC, wp_posts.post_title ASC\n\t\t\t LIMIT 12, 12","posts":[{"ID":1028,"post_author":"2","post_date":"2023-08-31 18:27:12","post_date_gmt":"2023-08-31 18:27:12","post_content":"Peavey Electronics introduced the original VYPYR guitar amplifier in 2008. This game changing amplifier launched many industry firsts, such as first guitar amplifier to have on-board USB, stompbox presets, looper, 5 effect simultaneous operation, and TransTube, Peavey's revolutionary analog\/digital hybrid technology. In 2012 Peavey raised the bar again with the VYPYR VIP, the world's first Variable Instrument Performance amp. This was the first amplifier designed for use with electric, bass, and acoustic guitar. Additionally, Peavey was the first company to introduce instrument models to an already feature-packed amplifier.\r\n\r\nNow continuing the tradition of innovation and excellence, Peavey launches the VYPYR X modeling amplifier. This latest evolution of the groundbreaking VYPYR series features updated styling, superior cabinet design for premier acoustic performance, and improved TransTube technology.\r\n

Analog Distortion<\/h2>\r\nEach VYPYR X is equipped with Peavey's exclusive TransTube technology. This true analog distortion not only sounds better, it leaves the amplifier's processing power dedicated to the effects, allowing the VYPYR X to run up to 5 effects simultaneously. When playing live nothing \"cuts through the mix\" like a VYPYR. Many modeling amps simply can't be heard in a live setting because of their poor digital distortion and practice amp EQ. TransTube technology is designed analog to emulate real tubes, and sits perfectly in the mix in a live environment.\r\n

Variable Instrument Input<\/h2>\r\nThanks to our revolutionary cabinet design and world class processing, users can switch from electric guitar to bass or acoustic on the same amplifier. One amp for all of your performance needs.\r\n

Instrument Models<\/h2>\r\nMake your electric sound like an acoustic or bass guitar.\r\n

WYSIWYG Interface<\/h2>\r\nAnother Peavey original, the WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) interface allows users to identify the position of the knobs with a glance at the amp. When a modeling amp changes presets the settings on the knobs change with it; however, on most amps the position of the knob no longer corresponds with the actual setting. This can cause confusion and mistakes that result in random, unwanted outcomes. With the VYPYR, the LEDs around the knob always indicate what position it is in relative to the current preset. Simply a better solution.\r\n

Amp Accessible Operation<\/h1>\r\nMany competitors claim their amps have multiple effects and models, but most of them are not fully functional without the use of external software. With the VYPYR X you can access ANY of the features of the amp, right from the front of the amp itself or with the use of a footswitch in the case of the looper. This is a key advantage found on all VYPYR X amplifiers. No hooking up a computer in order to edit your favorite preset or swap out an effect, you can do it right from the amplifier itself.\r\n

Packed with amplifiers & effects so you don't need to buy them one at a time<\/h2>\r\nPurchased individually the amps and effects in the VYPYR amp could cost a fortune. Our VYPYR series is an unbelievable value. VYPYRs use the same technology found in stompbox pedals that cost almost as much as a VYPYR for a single effect. For the same amount of money, the Peavey VYPYR X1 gives you 12 effects in addition to 2 instrument models and 36 amplifier models.","post_title":"VYPYR\u00ae X1 Guitar Modeling Amp","post_excerpt":"","post_status":"publish","comment_status":"open","ping_status":"closed","post_password":"","post_name":"vypyr-x1-guitar-modeling-amp","to_ping":"","pinged":"","post_modified":"2024-04-26 15:08:38","post_modified_gmt":"2024-04-26 20:08:38","post_content_filtered":"","post_parent":0,"guid":"https:\/\/\/product\/vypyr-x1-guitar-modeling-amp\/","menu_order":-2000,"post_type":"product","post_mime_type":"","comment_count":"0","filter":"raw"},{"ID":945,"post_author":"2","post_date":"2023-08-31 13:08:09","post_date_gmt":"2023-08-31 13:08:09","post_content":"The foundation of the Peavey Aureus 28 digital mixer is professional quality audio in an easy to use package. The 10\" multi-touch display allows users to access almost any control with just a couple of taps. Fifty-nine dedicated controls allow access to most critical functions with a single touch, making the Aureus the easiest to use digital mixer to date. No fumbling through endless menus - just touch the feature you want to access and adjust.\r\nQuick setup is easy with the Aureus. Packed with presets for channels, EQ, gate, compressor, scenes, and shows, the mix can be up and running in minutes. The mixer also provides the ability to save and store your own presets, scenes, and even an entire mix onto a USB drive.\r\nPlace a tablet in the onboard dock and use it as a second screen, or use any HTML5 compatible browsers for remote control. This second screen is perfect for monitoring the entire mix while adjusting a specific channel or separate group on the mixer.\r\nThe Aureus 28 digital mixer contains 28 inputs and 14 outputs with a best-in-class 10\" touch display. For ultimate ease of use and workflow, the Aureus 28 has 14 dedicated encoders, 9 motorized faders, and 45 dedicated backlit buttons. Thanks to 16 XLR-1\/4\", RCA, Bluetooth, and USB inputs, the Aureus can connect to most audio sources. Combine that with 14 outputs, including 10 XLR, USB, and AES digital, and the Aureus will tackle just about any sound reinforcement application.\r\nRemote control is available via onboard WIFI. Connect up to 10 devices simultaneously to control any aspect of the mix. By assigning passwords to busses, each musician can have control over their own mix by using any device that can open an HTML5 compatible browser. Access a wide selection of reverb and delay through Peavey's exclusive built-in FX series digital effects, featuring simple and advanced modes.\r\nWhether you are mixing in a club, church, conference center, sports field, arena, or any other place requiring professional audio, the Aureus mixer is the perfect solution, providing world-class workflow and audio quality in a compact, easy-to-use format.","post_title":"Aureus\u2122 28 Digital Mixer","post_excerpt":"","post_status":"publish","comment_status":"open","ping_status":"closed","post_password":"","post_name":"aureus-28-digital-mixer","to_ping":"","pinged":"","post_modified":"2024-04-24 11:59:33","post_modified_gmt":"2024-04-24 16:59:33","post_content_filtered":"","post_parent":0,"guid":"https:\/\/\/product\/aureus-28-digital-mixer\/","menu_order":-100,"post_type":"product","post_mime_type":"","comment_count":"0","filter":"raw"},{"ID":599,"post_author":"2","post_date":"2023-08-31 12:54:12","post_date_gmt":"2023-08-31 12:54:12","post_content":"Peavey Electronics introduced the original VYPYR guitar amplifier in 2008. This game changing amplifier launched many industry firsts, such as first guitar amplifier to have on-board USB, stompbox presets, looper, 5 effect simultaneous operation, and TransTube, Peavey's revolutionary analog\/digital hybrid technology. In 2012 Peavey raised the bar again with the VYPYR VIP, the world's first Variable Instrument Performance amp. This was the first amplifier designed for use with electric, bass, and acoustic guitar. Additionally, Peavey was the first company to introduce instrument models to an already feature-packed amplifier.\r\nNow continuing the tradition of innovation and excellence, Peavey launches the VYPYR X modeling amplifier. This latest evolution of the groundbreaking VYPYR series features updated styling, superior cabinet design for premier acoustic performance, and improved TransTube technology. The new VYPYR X2 also features Bluetooth remote control and audio streaming in. Now users can stream backing tracks into the amplifier and control all settings via iOS remote app control.\r\n

Analog Distortion<\/h2>\r\nEach VYPYR X is equipped with Peavey's exclusive TransTube technology. This true analog distortion not only sounds better, it leaves the amplifier's processing power dedicated to the effects, allowing the VYPYR X to run up to 5 effects simultaneously. When playing live nothing \"cuts through the mix\" like a VYPYR. Many modeling amps simply can't be heard in a live setting because of their poor digital distortion and practice amp EQ. TransTube technology is designed analog to emulate real tubes, and sits perfectly in the mix in a live environment.\r\n

Variable Instrument Input<\/h2>\r\nThanks to our revolutionary cabinet design and world class processing, users can switch from electric guitar to bass or acoustic on the same amplifier. One amp for all of your performance needs.\r\n

Instrument Models<\/h2>\r\nMake your electric sound like an acoustic or bass guitar, or on the VYPYR X2 up to 10 different instrument models.\r\n

Bluetooth VYPYR X Control<\/h2>\r\nControl your VYPYR X2 remotely with on-board Bluetooth wireless remote control via Peavey's exclusive VYPYR control app for iOS devices. Now change and store all your favorite presets remotely. Stream audio in, play to your favorite backing tracks, or just sit back and enjoy streaming your favorite music.\r\n

WYSIWYG Interface<\/h2>\r\nAnother Peavey original, the WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) interface allows users to identify the position of the knobs with a glance at the amp. When a modeling amp changes presets the settings on the knobs change with it; however, on most amps the position of the knob no longer corresponds with the actual setting. This can cause confusion and mistakes that result in random, unwanted outcomes. With the VYPYR, the LEDs around the knob always indicate what position it is in relative to the current preset. Simply a better solution.\r\n

Amp Accessible Operation<\/h2>\r\nMany competitors claim their amps have multiple effects and models, but most of them are not fully functional without the use of external software. With the VYPYR X you can access ANY of the features of the amp, right from the front of the amp itself or with the use of a footswitch in the case of the looper. This is a key advantage found on all VYPYR X amplifiers. No hooking up a computer in order to edit your favorite preset or swap out an effect, you can do it right from the amplifier itself.\r\n

Packed with amplifiers & effects so you don't need to buy them one at a time.<\/h2>\r\nPurchased individually the amps and effects in the VYPYR amp could cost well over $50,000. Our VYPYR series is an unbelievable value. VYPYR's use the same technology found in stompbox pedals that cost almost as much as a VYPYR for a single effect. For the same amount of money the Peavey VYPYR X2 gives you 26 effects in addition to 10 instrument models and 36 amplifier models.","post_title":"VYPYR\u00ae X2 Guitar Modeling Amp","post_excerpt":"","post_status":"publish","comment_status":"open","ping_status":"closed","post_password":"","post_name":"vypyr-x2-guitar-modeling-amp","to_ping":"","pinged":"","post_modified":"2024-04-26 17:08:33","post_modified_gmt":"2024-04-26 22:08:33","post_content_filtered":"","post_parent":0,"guid":"https:\/\/\/product\/vypyr-x2-guitar-modeling-amp\/","menu_order":-95,"post_type":"product","post_mime_type":"","comment_count":"0","filter":"raw"},{"ID":301,"post_author":"2","post_date":"2023-08-31 12:41:04","post_date_gmt":"2023-08-31 12:41:04","post_content":"Peavey Electronics introduced the original VYPYR guitar amplifier in 2008. This game changing amplifier launched many industry firsts, such as first guitar amplifier to have on-board USB, stompbox presets, looper, 5 effect simultaneous operation, and TransTube, Peavey's revolutionary analog\/digital hybrid technology. In 2012 Peavey raised the bar again with the VYPYR VIP, the world's first Variable Instrument Performance amp. This was the first amplifier designed for use with electric, bass, and acoustic guitar. Additionally, Peavey was the first company to introduce instrument models to an already feature-packed amplifier.\r\n\r\nNow continuing the tradition of innovation and excellence, Peavey launches the VYPYR X modeling amplifier. This latest evolution of the groundbreaking VYPYR series features updated styling, superior cabinet design for premier acoustic performance, and improved TransTube technology. The new VYPYR X3 also features Bluetooth remote control and audio streaming in. Now users can stream backing tracks into the amplifier and control all settings via iOS remote app control.\r\n

Analog Distortion<\/h2>\r\nEach VYPYR X is equipped with Peavey's exclusive TransTube technology. This true analog distortion not only sounds better, it leaves the amplifier's processing power dedicated to the effects, allowing the VYPYR X to run up to 5 effects simultaneously. When playing live nothing \"cuts through the mix\" like a VYPYR. Many modeling amps simply can't be heard in a live setting because of their poor digital distortion and practice amp EQ. TransTube technology is designed analog to emulate real tubes, and sits perfectly in the mix in a live environment.\r\n

Variable Instrument Input<\/h2>\r\nThanks to our revolutionary cabinet design and world class processing, users can switch from electric guitar to bass or acoustic on the same amplifier. One amp for all of your performance needs.\r\n

Instrument Models<\/h2>\r\nMake your electric sound like an acoustic or bass guitar, or on the VYPYR X3 up to 10 different instrument models.\r\n

Bluetooth VYPYR X Control<\/h2>\r\nControl your VYPYR X3 remotely with on-board Bluetooth wireless remote control via Peavey's exclusive VYPYR control app for iOS devices. Now change and store all your favorite presets remotely. Stream audio in, play to your favorite backing tracks, or just sit back and enjoy streaming your favorite music.\r\n

WYSIWYG Interface<\/h2>\r\nAnother Peavey original, the WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) interface allows users to identify the position of the knobs with a glance at the amp. When a modeling amp changes presets the settings on the knobs change with it; however, on most amps the position of the knob no longer corresponds with the actual setting. This can cause confusion and mistakes that result in random, unwanted outcomes. With the VYPYR, the LEDs around the knob always indicate what position it is in relative to the current preset. Simply a better solution.\r\n

Amp Accessible Operation<\/h2>\r\nMany competitors claim their amps have multiple effects and models, but most of them are not fully functional without the use of external software. With the VYPYR X you can access ANY of the features of the amp, right from the front of the amp itself or with the use of a footswitch in the case of the looper. This is a key advantage found on all VYPYR X amplifiers. No hooking up a computer in order to edit your favorite preset or swap out an effect, you can do it right from the amplifier itself.\r\n

Packed with amplifiers & effects so you don't need to buy them one at a time<\/h2>\r\nPurchased individually the amps and effects in the VYPYR amp could cost well over $50,000. Our VYPYR series is an unbelievable value. VYPYR's use the same technology found in stompbox pedals that cost almost as much as a VYPYR for a single effect. For the same amount of money the Peavey VYPYR X3 gives you 26 effects in addition to 10 instrument models and 36 amplifier models.","post_title":"VYPYR\u00ae X3 Guitar Modeling Amp","post_excerpt":"","post_status":"publish","comment_status":"open","ping_status":"closed","post_password":"","post_name":"vypyr-x3-guitar-modeling-amp","to_ping":"","pinged":"","post_modified":"2024-04-26 17:08:33","post_modified_gmt":"2024-04-26 22:08:33","post_content_filtered":"","post_parent":0,"guid":"https:\/\/\/product\/vypyr-x3-guitar-modeling-amp\/","menu_order":-94,"post_type":"product","post_mime_type":"","comment_count":"0","filter":"raw"},{"ID":952,"post_author":"2","post_date":"2023-08-31 13:08:22","post_date_gmt":"2023-08-31 13:08:22","post_content":"The Peavey Aquarius AQ series speaker enclosures represent the best combination of reliability, performance and value in the market today. Using our 50 plus years of experience and custom components, the AQ series represents an evolution of speaker technology no other company can offer.\r\nThe AQ represents an increase in power, both in output and reliability from previous designs while increasing efficiency, using less power to create more output making our products environmentally friendly.\r\nSonically our components are world-class. Our Asymmetrical Quadratic Waveguide horn allows us to direct the existing energy more precisely. This makes our enclosures perform better by getting more output where it's needed in addition to having a cleaner, clearer sound than our competition.\r\nSafety is a number one concern; our enclosures are tested and certified for sale all over the world to be safe and reliable in a number of environments.\r\nModern features like Bluetooth audio streaming and the ability to pair another speaker make our speakers convenient as well as being sonically superior.\r\nAdvanced DSP gave our engineers the ability to design several presets that quickly modify the enclosure's dynamics and EQ for various applications.\r\nEfficient, easy to use, modern, reliable, and now with reduced weight, the AQ series is the best value in the business. Dare to compare our enclosures to any in its category and you will find a sonically superior, more reliable, and higher output enclosure.","post_title":"AQ\u2122 15 Powered Speaker","post_excerpt":"","post_status":"publish","comment_status":"open","ping_status":"closed","post_password":"","post_name":"aq-15-powered-speaker","to_ping":"","pinged":"","post_modified":"2024-04-24 17:08:30","post_modified_gmt":"2024-04-24 22:08:30","post_content_filtered":"","post_parent":0,"guid":"https:\/\/\/product\/aq-15-powered-speaker\/","menu_order":-90,"post_type":"product","post_mime_type":"","comment_count":"0","filter":"raw"},{"ID":283,"post_author":"2","post_date":"2023-08-31 12:40:33","post_date_gmt":"2023-08-31 12:40:33","post_content":"Decades of experience building the best sound reinforcement enclosures in the world has led to the next generation of PVX enclosures by Peavey.\r\nPVX Loudspeakers are some of the most versatile enclosures on the market. Equally suited for live or pre-programmed music, these enclosures are designed to be used on a speaker stand or flown vertically or horizontally for permanent installation. The new and improved PVX lineup features the addition of foam grille cloth behind the powder-coated steel grille. This new design improves the weather resistance of the loudspeakers. No matter what the application, the PVX series is an outstanding addition to any sound reinforcement solution.\r\nPVX series loudspeakers deliver superior sound quality by utilizing advanced materials such as the roadworthy molded polypropylene exterior. Lightweight, durable and weather resistant, these two-way speaker systems will handle more than 400 watts continuous power with 800 watts peak power. They feature heavy-duty woofers with 2-3\/8\" voice coils. The PVX 15 includes the Peavey RX 14 1.4\" titanium diaphragm compression driver coupled to a constant directivity horn. Our Quadratic Throat Waveguide Technology makes our speakers more efficient at focusing the sound where it needs to be, ensuring louder performance with less likelihood of unwanted feedback.","post_title":"PVX\u2122 15 Passive Loudspeaker","post_excerpt":"","post_status":"publish","comment_status":"open","ping_status":"closed","post_password":"","post_name":"pvx-15-passive-loudspeaker","to_ping":"","pinged":"","post_modified":"2024-04-24 13:08:30","post_modified_gmt":"2024-04-24 18:08:30","post_content_filtered":"","post_parent":0,"guid":"https:\/\/\/product\/pvx-15-passive-loudspeaker\/","menu_order":-90,"post_type":"product","post_mime_type":"","comment_count":"0","filter":"raw"},{"ID":957,"post_author":"2","post_date":"2023-08-31 13:08:30","post_date_gmt":"2023-08-31 13:08:30","post_content":"The Peavey Aquarius AQ series speaker enclosures represent the best combination of reliability, performance and value in the market today. Using our 50 plus years of experience and custom components, the AQ series represents an evolution of speaker technology no other company can offer.\r\nThe AQ represents an increase in power, both in output and reliability from previous designs while increasing efficiency, using less power to create more output making our products environmentally friendly.\r\nSonically our components are world-class. Our Asymmetrical Quadratic Waveguide horn allows us to direct the existing energy more precisely. This makes our enclosures perform better by getting more output where it's needed in addition to having a cleaner, clearer sound than our competition.\r\nSafety is a number one concern; our enclosures are tested and certified for sale all over the world to be safe and reliable in a number of environments.\r\nModern features like Bluetooth audio streaming and the ability to pair another speaker make our speakers convenient as well as being sonically superior.\r\nAdvanced DSP gave our engineers the ability to design several presets that quickly modify the enclosure's dynamics and EQ for various applications.\r\nEfficient, easy to use, modern, reliable, and now with reduced weight, the AQ series is the best value in the business. Dare to compare our enclosures to any in its category and you will find a sonically superior, more reliable, and higher output enclosure.","post_title":"AQ\u2122 12 Powered Speaker","post_excerpt":"

The Aquarius series leverages over 50 years of loudspeaker innovation and experience to bring you the best combination of reliability, performance and value on the market today.<\/span><\/p>","post_status":"publish","comment_status":"open","ping_status":"closed","post_password":"","post_name":"aq-12-powered-speaker","to_ping":"","pinged":"","post_modified":"2024-04-25 11:08:29","post_modified_gmt":"2024-04-25 16:08:29","post_content_filtered":"","post_parent":0,"guid":"https:\/\/\/product\/aq-12-powered-speaker\/","menu_order":-85,"post_type":"product","post_mime_type":"","comment_count":"0","filter":"raw"},{"ID":430,"post_author":"2","post_date":"2023-08-31 12:48:20","post_date_gmt":"2023-08-31 17:48:20","post_content":"The PVXp 15 Bluetooth features a reliable bi-amped power section that provides a total of 980 Watts of peak dynamic power with DSP-based compression and limiting. This enclosure features a 15\" heavy-duty woofer with a 2 3\/8 inch voice coil and 50 ounce magnet, and the RX14 compression driver with a 1.4 inch titanium diaphragm on a 100 degree horizontal x 50 degree vertical pattern asymmetrical horn. The PVXp 15 Bluetooth provides two channels with a balanced input via a combination jack that accepts balanced TRS 1\/4 inch input as well as a balanced XLR input. A switch is provided to change between line level gain and mic level gain. A third channel is for a Bluetooth source, or alternatively a 1\/8\" AUX input jack. Each channel has an adjustable Level control and a three-band EQ section. There is a balanced output, a Male XLR, that can feed the mixed signals from the three channels out to another component. A front baffle LED indicator can be set to light when power is on, and when the \"soft-limiting\" DDT circuit is activated, or it can be turned off altogether. The LCD display and EQ presets, along with other DSP operating parameters, are accessed via a one-knob selector.","post_title":"PVXp\u2122 15 Bluetooth\u00ae 15-inch Powered Loudspeaker","post_excerpt":"PVXp series loudspeakers combine big power with advanced DSP and Bluetooth wireless connectivity to take your live sound to a new level of sonic performance.","post_status":"publish","comment_status":"open","ping_status":"closed","post_password":"","post_name":"pvxp-15-bluetooth-15-inch-powered-loudspeaker","to_ping":"","pinged":"","post_modified":"2024-04-26 17:08:34","post_modified_gmt":"2024-04-26 22:08:34","post_content_filtered":"","post_parent":0,"guid":"https:\/\/\/product\/pvxp-15-bluetooth-15-inch-powered-loudspeaker\/","menu_order":-80,"post_type":"product","post_mime_type":"","comment_count":"0","filter":"raw"},{"ID":7670,"post_author":"2","post_date":"2023-09-08 13:50:13","post_date_gmt":"2023-09-08 18:50:13","post_content":"Peavey AA Battieres are specially designed to meet the exacting standards of performing musicians.","post_title":"AA Batteries - 4 pack","post_excerpt":"","post_status":"publish","comment_status":"open","ping_status":"closed","post_password":"","post_name":"aa-batteries-4-pack","to_ping":"","pinged":"","post_modified":"2024-04-22 15:08:30","post_modified_gmt":"2024-04-22 20:08:30","post_content_filtered":"","post_parent":0,"guid":"https:\/\/\/product\/aa-batteries-4-pack\/","menu_order":-75,"post_type":"product","post_mime_type":"","comment_count":"0","filter":"raw"},{"ID":425,"post_author":"2","post_date":"2023-08-31 12:48:11","post_date_gmt":"2023-08-31 17:48:11","post_content":"PVs Series\r\nWith over 57 years of experience manufacturing sound reinforcement equipment, Peavey is proud to introduce its new PVs series of subwoofers. From the punchy and portable PVs 15 to the extreme deep bass of the PVs 18, these speakers are perfect for live applications. Where compact and portable are the primary requirements, the amazing new PVs 12 fits the bill.\r\nAll PVs subwoofers use high-density materials in their construction to ensure all the energy from the drivers is directed to the audience and not absorbed by the cabinet. Our proprietary drivers and power amps ensure maximum SPL while maintaining the legendary reliability Peavey products are known for.\r\nBuilt-in crossovers and high-pass outputs ensure our subwoofers can be used in almost any application with a wide variety of speakers and our proprietary Bass Enhancement feature, which allows our speakers to outperform any other subwoofer in their class.\r\nConvenient features such as steel handles and rugged locking casters make the PVs perfect for the road, while the compact PVs 12 makes hiding a subwoofer for an installation easier than ever. Whether you are on the road or in a club, church, restaurant, or bar, the PVs subs are the perfect solution for reliable low end.\r\nPVs 18 Subwoofer\r\nThe Peavey PVs 18 Sub is a compact vented powered subwoofer system utilizing a 18\" heavy-duty woofer, coupled to a DSP controlled power amplifier with 1,000 watts peak available power. The full-length black perforated steel grille provides protection and a professional appearance, along with the sturdy steel handles for moving the Sub. Large heavy-duty locking casters on the rear provide for easy transport on suitable surfaces.\r\nFeatures include internal line-level crossover with two high-pass outputs, and one full-range thru output. Peavey's new switchable bass enhancer for extra bass punch from low frequency program material is incorporated for maximum versatility.\r\nA threaded pole-mount system provides a sturdy and stable platform to mount a suitably equipped speaker system above the subwoofer.\r\nThe PA two-way powered speaker series are an excellent partner for the PVs 18 Sub. The PVs 18 Sub speaker system power amplifier providing the power is a low-distortion reliable fan-cooled unit providing a total of 1,000W peak available power for the system. The power supply for the power amp is a switch mode type for low weight and high efficiency. The amplifier features DSP processing for the crossover functions, compression and limiting, and the low-frequency EQ.\r\nInput is via a combo female XLR and 1\/4\" TRS phone jack with balanced input to the preamp\/EQ electronics, and a gain control. A pair of High-Pass Outputs in the form of male XLR jacks provides a buffered and balanced output signal for satellite speakers to carry the high range of the music. A Full-Range Thru output has a male XLR connector. These outputs allow linking of additional speaker systems, or feed of the signal to other devices.","post_title":"PVs 18 Vented Powered Bass Subwoofer","post_excerpt":"","post_status":"publish","comment_status":"open","ping_status":"closed","post_password":"","post_name":"pvs-18-vented-powered-bass-subwoofer","to_ping":"","pinged":"","post_modified":"2024-04-26 17:08:34","post_modified_gmt":"2024-04-26 22:08:34","post_content_filtered":"","post_parent":0,"guid":"https:\/\/\/product\/pvs-18-vented-powered-bass-subwoofer\/","menu_order":-75,"post_type":"product","post_mime_type":"","comment_count":"0","filter":"raw"},{"ID":420,"post_author":"2","post_date":"2023-08-31 12:48:02","post_date_gmt":"2023-08-31 12:48:02","post_content":"PVs Series\r\nWith over 57 years of experience manufacturing sound reinforcement equipment, Peavey is proud to introduce its new PVs series of subwoofers. From the punchy and portable PVs 15 to the extreme deep bass of the PVs 18, these speakers are perfect for live applications. Where compact and portable are the primary requirements, the amazing new PVs 12 fits the bill.\r\nAll PVs subwoofers use high-density materials in their construction to ensure all the energy from the drivers is directed to the audience and not absorbed by the cabinet. Our proprietary drivers and power amps ensure maximum SPL while maintaining the legendary reliability Peavey products are known for.\r\nBuilt-in crossovers and high-pass outputs ensure our subwoofers can be used in almost any application with a wide variety of speakers and our proprietary Bass Enhancement feature, which allows our speakers to outperform any other subwoofer in their class.\r\nConvenient features such as steel handles and rugged locking casters make the PVs perfect for the road, while the compact PVs 12 makes hiding a subwoofer for an installation easier than ever. Whether you are on the road or in a club, church, restaurant, or bar, the PVs subs are the perfect solution for reliable low end.\r\nPVs 12 Subwoofer\r\nThe Peavey PVs 12 Sub is a compact vented powered subwoofer system utilizing a 12\" heavy-duty woofer, coupled to a DSP controlled power amplifier with 1,000 watts peak available power. The full-length black perforated steel grille provides protection and a professional appearance, along with the sturdy steel handles for transport. Two sets of rubber feet allow for the unit to be placed optionally on its side for low profile situations.\r\nFeatures include internal line-level crossover with two high-pass outputs, and one full-range thru output. Peavey's new switchable bass enhancer for extra bass punch from low frequency program material is incorporated for maximum versatility.\r\nA threaded pole-mount system provides a sturdy and stable platform to mount a suitably equipped speaker system above the subwoofer. There are two threaded pole mounts: one on the top, and one on the right side. The top mount can be used with smaller powered speakers such as 10\" two-ways or the Peavey P1 BT, etc., while the right side mount can accommodate larger speakers with the extended base, which provides stability.\r\nThe PA two-way powered speaker series is an excellent partner for the PVs 12 Sub. The PVs 12 Sub speaker system power amplifier providing the power is a low-distortion reliable fan-cooled unit providing a total of 1,000W peak available power for the system. The power supply for the power amp is a switch mode type for low weight and high efficiency. The amplifier features DSP processing for the crossover functions, compression and limiting, and the low-frequency EQ.\r\nInput is via a combo female XLR and 1\/4\" TRS phone jack with balanced input to the preamp\/EQ electronics, and a gain control. A pair of High-Pass Outputs in the form of male XLR jacks provides a buffered and balanced output signal for satellite speakers to carry the high range of the music. A Full-Range Thru output has a male XLR connector. These outputs allow linking of additional speaker systems, or feed of the signal to other devices.","post_title":"PVs 12 Vented Powered Bass Subwoofer","post_excerpt":"","post_status":"publish","comment_status":"open","ping_status":"closed","post_password":"","post_name":"pvs-12-vented-powered-bass-subwoofer","to_ping":"","pinged":"","post_modified":"2024-04-24 17:08:28","post_modified_gmt":"2024-04-24 22:08:28","post_content_filtered":"","post_parent":0,"guid":"https:\/\/\/product\/pvs-12-vented-powered-bass-subwoofer\/","menu_order":-70,"post_type":"product","post_mime_type":"","comment_count":"0","filter":"raw"},{"ID":409,"post_author":"2","post_date":"2023-08-31 12:47:24","post_date_gmt":"2023-08-31 12:47:24","post_content":"","post_title":"Tablet Mounting System III","post_excerpt":"","post_status":"publish","comment_status":"open","ping_status":"closed","post_password":"","post_name":"tablet-mounting-system-iii","to_ping":"","pinged":"","post_modified":"2024-04-26 17:08:32","post_modified_gmt":"2024-04-26 22:08:32","post_content_filtered":"","post_parent":0,"guid":"https:\/\/\/product\/tablet-mounting-system-iii\/","menu_order":-70,"post_type":"product","post_mime_type":"","comment_count":"0","filter":"raw"}],"post_count":12,"current_post":-1,"before_loop":false,"in_the_loop":false,"post":{"ID":1028,"post_author":"2","post_date":"2023-08-31 18:27:12","post_date_gmt":"2023-08-31 18:27:12","post_content":"Peavey Electronics introduced the original VYPYR guitar amplifier in 2008. This game changing amplifier launched many industry firsts, such as first guitar amplifier to have on-board USB, stompbox presets, looper, 5 effect simultaneous operation, and TransTube, Peavey's revolutionary analog\/digital hybrid technology. In 2012 Peavey raised the bar again with the VYPYR VIP, the world's first Variable Instrument Performance amp. This was the first amplifier designed for use with electric, bass, and acoustic guitar. Additionally, Peavey was the first company to introduce instrument models to an already feature-packed amplifier.\r\n\r\nNow continuing the tradition of innovation and excellence, Peavey launches the VYPYR X modeling amplifier. This latest evolution of the groundbreaking VYPYR series features updated styling, superior cabinet design for premier acoustic performance, and improved TransTube technology.\r\n

Analog Distortion<\/h2>\r\nEach VYPYR X is equipped with Peavey's exclusive TransTube technology. This true analog distortion not only sounds better, it leaves the amplifier's processing power dedicated to the effects, allowing the VYPYR X to run up to 5 effects simultaneously. When playing live nothing \"cuts through the mix\" like a VYPYR. Many modeling amps simply can't be heard in a live setting because of their poor digital distortion and practice amp EQ. TransTube technology is designed analog to emulate real tubes, and sits perfectly in the mix in a live environment.\r\n

Variable Instrument Input<\/h2>\r\nThanks to our revolutionary cabinet design and world class processing, users can switch from electric guitar to bass or acoustic on the same amplifier. One amp for all of your performance needs.\r\n

Instrument Models<\/h2>\r\nMake your electric sound like an acoustic or bass guitar.\r\n

WYSIWYG Interface<\/h2>\r\nAnother Peavey original, the WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) interface allows users to identify the position of the knobs with a glance at the amp. When a modeling amp changes presets the settings on the knobs change with it; however, on most amps the position of the knob no longer corresponds with the actual setting. This can cause confusion and mistakes that result in random, unwanted outcomes. With the VYPYR, the LEDs around the knob always indicate what position it is in relative to the current preset. Simply a better solution.\r\n

Amp Accessible Operation<\/h1>\r\nMany competitors claim their amps have multiple effects and models, but most of them are not fully functional without the use of external software. With the VYPYR X you can access ANY of the features of the amp, right from the front of the amp itself or with the use of a footswitch in the case of the looper. This is a key advantage found on all VYPYR X amplifiers. No hooking up a computer in order to edit your favorite preset or swap out an effect, you can do it right from the amplifier itself.\r\n

Packed with amplifiers & effects so you don't need to buy them one at a time<\/h2>\r\nPurchased individually the amps and effects in the VYPYR amp could cost a fortune. Our VYPYR series is an unbelievable value. VYPYRs use the same technology found in stompbox pedals that cost almost as much as a VYPYR for a single effect. For the same amount of money, the Peavey VYPYR X1 gives you 12 effects in addition to 2 instrument models and 36 amplifier models.","post_title":"VYPYR\u00ae X1 Guitar Modeling Amp","post_excerpt":"","post_status":"publish","comment_status":"open","ping_status":"closed","post_password":"","post_name":"vypyr-x1-guitar-modeling-amp","to_ping":"","pinged":"","post_modified":"2024-04-26 15:08:38","post_modified_gmt":"2024-04-26 20:08:38","post_content_filtered":"","post_parent":0,"guid":"https:\/\/\/product\/vypyr-x1-guitar-modeling-amp\/","menu_order":-2000,"post_type":"product","post_mime_type":"","comment_count":"0","filter":"raw"},"comment_count":0,"current_comment":-1,"found_posts":1584,"max_num_pages":132,"max_num_comment_pages":0,"is_single":false,"is_preview":false,"is_page":false,"is_archive":true,"is_date":false,"is_year":false,"is_month":false,"is_day":false,"is_time":false,"is_author":false,"is_category":false,"is_tag":false,"is_tax":false,"is_search":false,"is_feed":false,"is_comment_feed":false,"is_trackback":false,"is_home":false,"is_privacy_policy":false,"is_404":false,"is_embed":false,"is_paged":true,"is_admin":false,"is_attachment":false,"is_singular":false,"is_robots":false,"is_favicon":false,"is_posts_page":false,"is_post_type_archive":true,"thumbnails_cached":false}

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